Pool work continues

We are optimistic there is no leak under the main drain, and that our problems are limited to the already excavated pipes on the South side of the pool.

Please DO NOT go near the excavation for your safety: the earth is not stable and we don’t want you to get hurt. We also wouldn’t want to further delay the opening of the pool!

Lastly, please do not enter the pool area: the liner is particularly fragile when not submerged. As the water level is very low, the exposed liner could easily be damaged by hands, feet, shoes or seemingly harmless contact. So it’s best to keep clear of the pool until the work is done.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Tennis courts are ready

A big thank you to the RRVA crew, who moved many tons of clay, and resurfaced the courts. The courts to the East of the club house are ready for the season, and the courts to the West will be ready shortly.

Pool Update

The larger of two leaks has been excavated, parts and plumbing are on order. Some additional excavation will be required to get the second leak addressed.

At this point, we are cautiously optimistic the pool will be open in time for Independence Day.