NYSEG Update (September 14, 2023)

NYSEG is making good progress today. 

The trench from the transformer through Cluster 5 was particularly problematic.  Verizon, MTC, fresh water, waste water and electricity all crisscrossed that line. 

I understand that a few homes lost electricity for an hour or so today, which was not anticipated.

Tomorrow, they will continue up to the transformer in Cluster 6.  The last leg will be Cluster 4 which likely will be next week.  I am told that they will bring topsoil and seed in to replant the trenched area.


NYSEG Update (September 13, 2023)

(From Greg Gomez)

The crew has pulled wire through most of the pipe and they’re starting to connect to the transformers.

A few issues:

1. The crew is being pulled off of our job Friday to head North to Maine in anticipation of the hurricane disrupting electric service. 

2. Power will be cut off to the “Guard House” and the nearby lights for several days while they rewire the area.

3. Power will to certain clusters will be cut temporarily next week, as NYSEG switches those clusters from the old to the new feeder cables.

We will be notified prior to the outage.

NYSEG work update

Next week NYSEG will be cutting across Pines Dr to access the transformers in our parking lots.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE drive slowly as workers will be present and likely be in places that you would not expect.

The digging continues up Pines Drive:

New Footings for the vaults are also being installed as the move along:

NYSEG has begun upgrades

After staging equipment by the RRVA entrance yesterday, NYSEG has begun upgrades to our infrastructure.

Equipment staged at entrance to RRVA

From Greg Gomez: They trench, put the conduit in and cover it back up.  The wires will be dragged through later, so they are moving very fast.  More good news: when they cut the road it will be done in halves which will keep the road passable for everyone.  They will trench half the road, put in the conduit and cover it back up, then they will cut the other half of the street.  They expect to complete all trenching and backfilling by the end of next week.

Trench along the side of Pines Dr.