2024 Road Repairs

May 16, 2024

Hello RRVA Homeowners,

Here is an announcement listing the road and walk way areas on the scheduled to be resurfaced this spring season. The work will occur mainly in the lower cluster areas. Please drive slowly on the new road surface.

If your unit is off of Pines Drive, please be aware that the road repair supplies and some equipment will be stored at the lower Pines burn pile site. Trucks and workers will be using that stretch of road during the repair process.

The first part of Pines Drive: along cluster 3-6. Low areas will be leveled. Road will be resurfaced with stone and oil.

260 Pines Drive: Cluster 8. The road in front of unit 1-7. Pot holes filled, stone
and oil resurface.

270 Pines Drive: Cluster 9. Entire length of road. Pot holes filled, stone and oil resurface.

300 Pines Drive: Cluster 44. Second half of road. Pot holes filled, stone and oil resurface.

Cluster 32 lower section: New drainage line. Pot holes filled, stone and oil resurface.

All Walkways for the entire RRVA community will be edged, swept and sealed.
Sections of Cluster 5 will be rebuilt where needed.

Clusters 8, 9 and 44 will received a notice when we will require their cars to be parked in an alternate spot.

The office will continue to send out notices of the work schedule. At the moment the estimate is for the work to begin in the last week of May.

THANK YOU for your cooperation and understanding during this important time of improvements to our community.

RRVA Management and BOD