Opening Weekend News

Congratulations on a wonderful opening weekend!  The weather was perfect, and it was great to see so many people enjoying the pool space together.  Here are a few taking points from the weekend.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tie up the umbrellas when you leave the area.

    Thank you.

    Lounge Chairs

    The 20 NEW LOUNGE CHAIRS are scheduled to arrive next week.

      General Information for our community

      The RRVA website has a very important section that we all need to review for the summer season. 

      Please go to our web site: then navigate to For Residents –> RRVA Welcome Package where we have all the community guidelines for the summer season.


      We had a bear family walk through the grounds Tuesday night.  A momma bear and her THREE cubs visited garbage cans, porches and took apart bird feeders. 

      If the bears or any other animal disturb your garbage (which they interpret as food) you are responsible for the cleanup.  Your neighbors and all of us thank you.

      The DEC advises not to have bird feeders on porches or anywhere near your home.  If you chose to have one, PLEASE take it in overnight and when you leave the property. 

      Bear proof garbage cans with bungie cords and moth balls are effective.  If you can do not leave garbage out overnight and clean the inside of the cans from food residue. 

      Here is a recent post on our website.

      Wishing you a wonderful day.
      RRVA Management and the BOD

      2024 Roof Work

      There are six roof replacements scheduled for this year, expected to begin at the end of May or beginning of June.

      Work will be be in clusters 2, 5, 9 and 45. If you live in or near these clusters you will see roofing material and a dumpster staged in the adjacent parking lot. Weather permitting, work will begin very shortly after these deliveries. The contractor has a large, so expect to see six to twelve workers at a time. They are very professional and efficient, and will take about two to three days to complete a roof. Skylight work can take a little longer.

      If you are here during the work PLEASE stay clear of the work area. For your safety and the safety of the workers, it is vital that the construction area be free of pedestrians.

      Apologies for any inconvenience you may experience, and we thank you for your patience and understanding during this important maintenance work on the homes here at RRVA!

      2024 Road Repairs

      May 16, 2024

      Hello RRVA Homeowners,

      Here is an announcement listing the road and walk way areas on the scheduled to be resurfaced this spring season. The work will occur mainly in the lower cluster areas. Please drive slowly on the new road surface.

      If your unit is off of Pines Drive, please be aware that the road repair supplies and some equipment will be stored at the lower Pines burn pile site. Trucks and workers will be using that stretch of road during the repair process.

      The first part of Pines Drive: along cluster 3-6. Low areas will be leveled. Road will be resurfaced with stone and oil.

      260 Pines Drive: Cluster 8. The road in front of unit 1-7. Pot holes filled, stone
      and oil resurface.

      270 Pines Drive: Cluster 9. Entire length of road. Pot holes filled, stone and oil resurface.

      300 Pines Drive: Cluster 44. Second half of road. Pot holes filled, stone and oil resurface.

      Cluster 32 lower section: New drainage line. Pot holes filled, stone and oil resurface.

      All Walkways for the entire RRVA community will be edged, swept and sealed.
      Sections of Cluster 5 will be rebuilt where needed.

      Clusters 8, 9 and 44 will received a notice when we will require their cars to be parked in an alternate spot.

      The office will continue to send out notices of the work schedule. At the moment the estimate is for the work to begin in the last week of May.

      THANK YOU for your cooperation and understanding during this important time of improvements to our community.

      RRVA Management and BOD

      It’s Bear Season

      As the bears wake from hibernation, they have insatiable appetites. As a community, we must avoid training them to come here for a meal. Collectively, we can discourage bears from frequenting our grounds by not making it worth the effort: if they don’t find food here, they won’t come back.

      Trash / food waste: please put out your trash and food waste as close as possible to our Monday and Friday trash collection… preferably first thing in the morning. If that’s not possible (maybe because you leave Sunday) please be sure you have locking trash cans, and avoid leaving very aromatic food waste outdoors. In the past, bears have torn off shed doors, torn apart bungee cords and locking trash cans to get to the contents. If a resident’s trash is raided by wildlife and scattered on the grounds, please remember that it is that resident’s responsibility to clean it up.

      Bird feeders: Avoid mounting them if possible, especially during the Spring when bears are very hungry and other wild food sources haven’t sprouted yet. If you must have a bird feeder, please make sure it does not drop excessive amounts of seed / food on the ground as this will attract bears and rodents. Also, make sure your bird feeder is mounted in a manner that makes it difficult for non avian wildlife to access the contents. Bear in mind (pun intended) that bears are very good climbers, and it would be unfortunate if a bear climbed onto your deck for a bird seed picnic. Besides the obvious danger to humans, the bear would most likely return and ultimately end up being put down due to having grown accustom to seeing your deck as a restaurant.

      Pet feeders: please avoid having outdoor feeding stations for your pets; just like bird feeders, these will attract bears.

      For more information and suggestions, please visit the New York DEC web site here: