Landscaping by the pool

Since the removal of the pine trees, the gardening committee has been hard at work beautifying our pool, with the support of the RRVA crew.

Thank you to Susan, Maria, Carl (landscaping) and Greg for all your hard work, with supplies from Qualteeres.

Photos by Greg Gomez

Denver Water Tank Maintenance: June 14, 2024

Dripping FaucetBelow, please find a notice sent out form the Town of Roxbury to all residents with a water bill:

This is an important message from the Town of Roxbury, NY Alert System.

The inside of the Denver Water tank is scheduled to be cleaned on Friday June 14, 2024 and is anticipated to be all day. Water will be on and disinfectants will be used during the cleaning process but the water may be a little dirty. Please let your water run a couple of minutes after the cleaning has been completed. Should you have any questions or problems please contact Diane at 607-326-7641. Thank you for your cooperation.

Have a wonderful day.
RRVA Management

Road Work Starting Soon

Here is the schedule update from Webster Paving as of June 7. 

The road areas have been cleaned in preparation for the repair work.  They will be delivering stone and equipment today and Monday.  Monday / Tuesday stone will be added to the roads in need of repair and then oil will be applied to the stone on Thursday / Friday to adhere it to the road.  Of course, weather permitting. 

The oiled road surface can be drive on after the application.  Please drive very slowly for a few weeks.

The crew will fold in the sidewalk sealing work in the next 2 weeks.  Please do not walk on the side walk for 24 HOURS.