We have been contacted by NYSEG, and advised that this year’s work should begin end of this week / beginning of next week!
NYSEG Update
We are in the second and third phases of the NYSEG project to replace critical electrical components within our development. The affected clusters are 8, 9, 44, and 45, and work will commence in cluster 8. Our project head, who has been absent, will return this week to finalize the schedule, providing us ample time to prepare for scheduled power disruptions lasting approximately one hour per cluster, sequentially.
During last year’s phase one, brush along Pines Drive was cleared, a trench was dug, and new 4-inch pipes were installed. This process will repeat this year. Additionally, new vaults were installed for each cluster (green metal boxes on concrete foundations). Once in place, new conductors will be pulled through the conduit. Trenching will extend from the vaults across Pines Drive to each cluster’s transformer lot. The trench across Pines Drive will be promptly backfilled to ensure access to your homes. The maintenance gate will also be open for egress if needed during this time.
Throughout this process, there should be no interruption of power to your home. Once preparations are complete, there will be a brief power disruption as new conductors are connected to your transformers, followed by swift restoration of service.
NYSEG’s contractors will extend trenching from Pines Drive to Scudder Hill Road, where a new electrical pole will be installed due to constraints in the existing conduit. Additionally, trenching will continue from our maintenance gate toward the main entrance to establish a redundant power loop, enhancing the development’s reliability. This fail-safe loop will minimize disruptions; currently, a single disruption can affect multiple downstream clusters.
The entire project is expected to conclude in less than two weeks.
It is imperative that you do not engage with these contractors, as they do not represent you or RRVA, and we are not compensating them for their work. This entire project is done at no cost to RRVA. Engaging with them could lead to injuries or distractions. Please refrain from approaching them.
Thank you for your cooperation during this maintenance upgrade.
RRVA Management and the Board of Directors
NYSEG Update
RRVA infrastructure updates are still on the calendar for this summer; however, they’ve been delayed a little.
Several of the NYSEG engineers who will be working on our grounds are currently out of town, helping repair infrastructure damage caused by hurricane Beryl.
Updates to our timeline will be communicated as soon as they become available.
Pool Maintenance 7/18 (night) -> 7/19 (noon)
The pool will be closed for maintenance from July 18 (9pm) through July 19 (12 Noon). The pool is scheduled for a deep clean tomorrow starting very early in the morning.
As we all know the pool is a shining diamond here in our mountain community. This is very necessary cleaning work that has to be done to keep the pump and filter system running in tip top shape.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
RRVA Maintenance
Early trash pickup on 7/15
In anticipation of walkway sealcoating on Monday July 15, garbage pickup will be earlier than usual. Please on this Monday only place your garbage outside by 8a-8:30a, so Dave and our trustworthy garbage collection crew can collect it before the walkway crew begins.