Maintenance Update

Fellow Residents:

The summer months bring a surge of activity to our community for adults and children alike.  It is also a time to catch up on a long list of maintenance items that accumulate during our harsh winters.

As you know, we recently revamped our website and our form submission process; this has ensured clarity and, most importantly, transparency as maintenance requests are submitted.  Once received, Maria the property manager, and Anthony the maintenance manager sort requests into urgent and non-urgent matters. The definition of something urgent is anything that poses a health and safety risk, or an active leak.  

Expectedly, urgent matters are immediately prioritized, and other maintenance items remain in the queue.

RRVA Maintenance CrewWe are actively working on two unexpected issues.  First, many units are reaching a generational need for deck, house, and chimney siding replacement.  The old pine siding has rotted in many places and rather than replace it with the same material, we are updating the pine with T1-11 Siding.  This material is more durable, will last longer, and will require less frequent painting.  You may have noticed it appearing on some of our homes, as it is a slightly different color from our Roxbury Run Yellow.  We are planning to have all the new T1-11 siding in our community painted during our fall painting cycle.  Once we are finished with roof replacements, we will aggressively start replacing the old pine siding, and you will see a lot more T1-11 everywhere.

Secondly, if you have an old maintenance request that dates back to more than a year ago and has not been addressed, please re-submit your request: the office and our maintenance crew have implemented a tracking system that will no longer allow requests to get lost, and your assistance here will be enormously helpful.  Moments after you submit the form, you should immediately receive a confirmation email with a copy of your maintenance request.  Also, if you have photographs that can help us see and identify the issue, please open the confirmation email and “Reply-To All”, attach a photo or two, and send.  By providing us with photos, it will help us enormously.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our maintenance and office staff for their non-stop work this summer, and to thank you for your support.  Lastly, as a quick reminder, if you see our maintenance crew or any outside contractors at work operating machinery, or on a ladder, on a roof, or on scaffolding, please be sure to keep back, and avoid distracting them. While they appreciate being greeted, their safety and yours is the priority.

RRVA Board Of Directors

NYSEG Update

NYSEG LogoThe team has pulled the conductors through the new conduit and is wiring up everything at the front of our development (guard house). They expect to start trenching up Pine Hill Road (staring at the turn off to the water treatment plant) tomorrow. New conduit will be placed in the trench and two new vaults will be installed. They may start to cut across Pines Dr toward the lower clusters this week but more likely next week.

NYSEG wiring a new pole on Scudder Hill Rd
New trench and wiring adjacent to the guard house on Scudder Hill Rd

NYSEG Update

NYSEG LogoNYSEG is hard at work on and around the RRVA grounds.

Please show the workers courtesy as you drive past by slowing down and giving them and their equipment room to operate.

A new trench with conduit and new power lines.

Above: a new trench containing conduit and power lines.
Photo courtesy of Greg Gomez

A new telephone poll that will carry power to our community.

A new pole by lower-Pines Dr, that will carry power lines to our community.
Photo courtesy of Greg Gomez

Power Outage

Power FailureAs of about 9:20 am today (Saturday August 3, 2024) there is a power outage. The cause is a broken pole over Rt 36. The estimated time to repair / power restoration is 12:30pm.