Winter Weather Is On The Way!

Snow IconDear RRVA Homeowners,

For those of you who are part of the winter season crew, as a curtesy today we are sharing a quick weather update.

We are currently experiencing another warming trend which is melting a lot of snow.  A cold snap is expected to arrive Friday into Saturday. There is a potential for more ice to form, especially if the forecast includes any additional rain.

Please remember to think of these points when planning your weekends up at “The Run”.  Ensure you have rock salt and a shovel for your steps, as well as sturdy winter footwear. An extra ski pole can be surprisingly helpful when navigating the winter landscape.

We hope you find this information helpful.  RRVA will not be issuing a weather statement every weekend.  Please check the local weather during this winter season and plan accordingly for the varying conditions.

Wishing you all a wonderful day.

RRVA Management

Thanksgiving Snow

This year’s Thanksgiving Day snow was definitely noteworthy.

There was a power outage for some of our Midtown residents, which thankfully didn’t impact the entire community – no doubt thanks to our recent infrastructure upgrades. NYSEG was observed on the RRVA grounds restoring power.

Plow clearing snow on Woodland Dr. on Thanksgiving Day, 2024We also extend a heartfelt thank you to Anthony, our maintenance manager, for clearing the snow and keeping our roads and parking lots accessible.

Indeed, we have much to be thankful for over this holiday.

Is Winter Coming?

Dear RRVA residents,

Snow IconThe weather forecast is projecting a break in the months long drought in the Northeast. The forecast even includes snow at elevation in the Catskills, including Deleware and Ulster counties! Rain should arrive Wednesday night into Thursday (November 21) and turn to snow Friday (Nov 22) through Sunday (Nov 24).

Please take a moment to prepare for the inclement weather by stocking up a few days of provisions, by making sure your car is winterized, and that you have provisions for handling the weather: ice scraper, snow brush, shovel, snow melt, even blankets and provisions for the car.

Here is a link to the forecast on

RRVA Board

2024 Board Of Directors Vote

We are pleased to provide you with the final results regarding the RRVA Board of Directors Election.

First, we would like to extend our gratitude to all homeowners who submitted their votes.

We are proud to announce the newly elected Board members:

  • Katie Clinebelle
  • David Macklin
  • Travis Johnson
  • Brian Lebow

Following the election, the Board has appointed the new Officers:

  • Greg Gomez—President
  • Jeantet Fields—Vice President
  • David Macklin—Treasurer
  • Tricia Capello—Secretary
  • Katie Clinebelle—Director
  • Travis Johnson—Director
  • Brian Lebow—Director

We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to Christopher Cook and Lesa Dalton for their exceptional service on the RRVA Board of Directors.

Thank you once again for your commitment to the Roxbury Run community!

The RRVA Board of Directors