As you know, the pool is open for the season, along with a big thank you to the entire RRVA maintenance crew, for the extra hours they put in to make repairs and get the pool working.
Thank you to Katie Clinebelle for sourcing new parasols; the old ones were way past their useful lives and mostly fell apart when pulled out of storage. New lounge chairs are forthcoming.
No Bare Feet! The extensive pool repairs delayed normal maintenance; as a result, the deck hasn’t been resurfaced yet. In order to avoid splinters, please be sure you wear sandals until further notice.
About the pine trees: they were near the end of their natural lives and dying. Their removal was a matter of time. While we’ve known the pine needles were bad for the pool’s plumbing and filters, we didn’t know to what extent they damaged the pool equipment. Several large construction buckets full of pine needles, pine oil and biomass were removed from under the main drain, in order to get the pool open this season.